Funny Cat Instagram Vs Reality Image
Our Instagram handles are usually filtered and manipulated versions of our realities. No matter how obvious this is, it's still easy to forget that the posts are about 80% fake and we end up comparing ourselves to those unattainable standards.
So, you might find Insta-blogger Vienna's social experiment to be pretty refreshing. She decided to create Instagram vs. Reality photos and expose her followers to the unedited reality that goes behind all those likes and comments…
Don't be embarrassed, we've all tried our luck capturing the perfect bird photo. A picture that makes you look just as pretty as Cinderella did when her little blue birdies came to help her get dressed. Unfortunately, that's not always how it plays out.

As you can see, it's no simple task and you too would have a hard time striking the perfect pose if one of them decided to flap its wings in your face. Vienna looks a little less peaceful in the picture that exposes the reality of trying to take a snap with birds.
Vienna was feeling cute and stuck a tissue up her nose, just like the creative-looking tissue dispenser in her hand. On the left, she somehow makes the look work for her. Her bangs sit perfectly and her fair skin looks as clear as day.

Any girl with bangs will tell you that what is happening to Vienna's hair on the right is a constant battle they face. Bangs can be a tricky hairstyle to maintain and Vienna is no exception. You can also see how heavily airbrushed her face is in the first image.
When you plan a trip to London over the festive season, you expect to spend your days wearing gorgeous trench coats, sipping on Starbucks coffee. However, the winters in London are filled with cold and rainy days. The temperature can drop to about 5°C.

Winter also comes with the dose of flu it hands out to everybody. Vienna's Instaworthy picture shows someone who isn't even feeling the effects of the cold at all, when in fact, she too is having a hard time pretending that she wasn't freezing her bum off.
Although Vienna seems like she was born to be a model, she had no intention of becoming one at all. It all happened rather quickly when she was at the young age of 19. "I went to Tokyo for a vacation when I had about 10K followers on Twitter," she explained.

She continued: "I met a girl there and we ended up taking a photo together while we were walking on the street. After she posted our photo online, her modeling agency contacted me and asked me to work with them." Since then, her account has grown to 160k followers.
Vienna mostly uses her Instagram to document her travels around the world. "I love traveling and photography," she said. "So I want people to know more about me and all the places I go to." Not a bad business strategy, considering it's the perfect topic to make everyone super jealous.

In the first image, Vienna looks picture perfect. However, in the second image, she looks like she just choked on that drink she's sipping. Instagram posts tend to make simple things like coffee or juice, look as though they were made from holy water.
For Vienna's Instagram vs. Reality shots, she used her usual tools to highlight the difference between the flawless pictures and the natural ones. Talking about the photoshopped images, Vienna explained that "On those photos, I used an app called Ulike."

She continued: "This software lets people "fine-tune" themselves, offering to touch-up their eyes, nose and mouth. However, the "real" ones weren't manipulated at all, I just used my normal camera. That's why my face looks super different in them."
Maybe adrenalin junkies won't admit it, but getting on a rollercoaster and acting like you're not afraid is a skill that few have mastered. After all, you are putting your body through absolute turmoil. Your blood rushes to your feet, your body is being pushed back even though you're moving forward. For some, it's torturous.

Bloggers taking pictures at theme parks will show you images of people who are scared of nothing, girls who can eat a candy floss the size of their bodies without putting on weight and a few other unrealistic expectations. Don't be fooled people, the image on the right shows you just how much Vienna is 'loving' her day out.
Those who thought having a girlfriend would be easy never considered how much they needed to be fed. Valentine's Day is one of the biggest holidays in the social media world because nothing makes you look happier than being in a perfect relationship filled with spoils.

However, no relationship is perfect and all partners go through a bit of adversity. To be fair, the unedited picture of Vienna and her boyfriend shows a much more appealing kind of relationship. They both have the room to be themselves, while he picks his nose and she stuffs her face.
There are two kinds of morning people in the world. The first kind are crazy and the second kind are liars. Pajamas usually involve whatever old t-shirt you can find paired with hair you don't want anyone seeing. Vienna's bangs look like they're trying to find the best signal in the house and she ain't afraid to show it.

There's nobody on planet earth that could wake up after a long sleep looking camera ready. This is when the makeup, hair, clothes, and breath are at their worst. In the first image, Vienna looks like a princess in her snuggly robe. The second picture is a little bit frightening, but we can all relate.
Don't you hate those girls who lay on floaties looking effortlessly perfect? Well, not to worry because they don't actually exist. You can't get on one of those bad boys without spending at least two seconds looking like you're somewhat struggling.

For some, spending the day by a pool or beach is not nearly as pleasant when struggling with your hidden body insecurities. Seeing pictures of people looking perfectly toned and gorgeous in their bathing suits doesn't help the unrealistic standards we set for ourselves.
If you look at Vienna's Instagram posts, you'll find that in every picture, she looks like an absolute bombshell. Not a single flaw can be found on her skin, hair, body, or outfit. It almost allows you to forget that she is human too, with insecurities and parts of her body she wishes she could change as well.

You are not the only one with a double chin or crooked teeth, you are also not the only one who sometimes wakes up with a pimple to start your day. Rest assured, humans are not supposed to be perfect. Don't let the photo editing apps trick you, stay woke.
Sleeping beauty might be leading little girls to believe that you're supposed to go to bed in the same gown you would wear to a wedding or your prom. However, Disney stories are an even more warped version of reality that any instablogger's handle.

The first picture shows Vienna with perfect hair and makeup while she's sleeping soundly. However, only a few people in the world can get away with falling into a deep sleep without snoring or drooling. It's not exactly a picture-worthy moment.
The more women and girls watch television or look at magazines full of unattainable images of women created by "photoshopping", the more anxious and insecure about their appearance they become. A lot of these insecurities involve weight gain and weight loss.

Food bloggers and models usually capture an image of them eating something terribly unhealthy whilst being perfectly toned and skinny at the same time. This is yet another unrealistic expectation that social media is spreading. Vienna isn't afraid to show her 'hungry' side in the right image.
It started with the pout and gradually moved over to the duck-face. Instagrammers were posting selfies and pulling funny faces. The point of these silly moves was to show followers that even when you're pulling ridiculous looks, you can do it while still looking like a model.

Vienna shows her edited silly face alongside her real one and the difference is pretty hilarious. Even without looking at her face, you can tell she edited just about everything. The brightness is most obvious, as well as how broad her shoulders appear.
It's easy to believe that the first picture is how Vienna actually looks when brushing her teeth. When this image was posted, one of the viewers commented "How does she makes her eyes look so sparkly and big? She's like an anime babe?" They forgot one crucial detail...

Vienna already admitted, before posting these images, that she used an app called Ulike which is a software designed to help people fine-tune their faces. The app offers features that allow you to edit your nose, eyes, and mouth. Vienna looks like a different person in the unedited version.
You may think this is a meme depicting the wrong way vs. the right way to eat spaghetti. However, it's just another one of Vienna's edited pictures. She definitely abused the Ulike app in these ones. The first image makes as though spaghetti is not one of the messiest dishes to put away.

Spaghetti is no dish for a first date. There is nobody that can pull off taking a full bite of it without looking like an animal trying to guzzle its prey. Although she may look prettier in the first picture, we all know the correct way to eat spaghetti is displayed on the right.
Homes are for free expressions, not for good impressions. Spending the day on the couch, for whatever reason, almost never looks how Vienna does in the picture on the left. Everyone knows the best part about getting home is that you finally have the freedom to be as ugly as you want.

The jeans come off, the hair goes up and the food comes out. The couch knows a version of you that no one else ever should. However, Vienna looks a lot more appealing in her natural state. Is there anything hotter than a girl that can slay in video games? I rest my case.
Makeup is the biggest deceiver of them all. Especially in pictures because it looks much better in a photo than in person. No one is ever as beautiful as their profile pictures make them out to be. The ironic thing about this photo is that Vienna actually looks beautiful with not a stitch of makeup on her face.

Although its great to feel more confident, too much makeup can also be extremely harmful to your skin. One of her followers commented, "I was just thinking she looks 10 years older with all that makeup." That kind of defeats the purpose of good foundation no?
The first image shows Vienna effortlessly getting out of the pool, with perfect hair and her makeup fully intact. Even the best waterproof mascara in the world can't pull off that kind of magic. The app also changed the pigmentation of her face so much that it doesn't even match her body.

The second picture is a whole lot more relatable. If you want your hair to stay dry and perfect, that's only possible if you wear those ridiculous caps. Moreover, she would've been a lot less disturbed by that water splash had she put on her goggles.
When looking at a blogger's profile, we often think that they are the most perfect and healthy people. They live a lifestyle filled with exercising, healthy food and luxurious holidays. You will rarely find public influencers holding alcohol or cigarettes.

This tricks their followers into thinking they're 100% innocent. However, most of them are leading double lives and only show you the things they want you to see. They are still human beings who cheat on their diets and miss their daily workouts every now and again too.
To be fair, nobody looks cute whilst blowing up a balloon. Can we really expect anything different from Vienna? When she posted this image, her followers were commenting that it almost looks as though the first image is her and the second is of her mother.

More of her followers got a good laugh out of this one. One of her commenters said "OMG - that is the face my wife makes when she is blowing up her raft". Another commented, "LOL, this has to be one of my favorite ones so far." It definitely is one of the more humorous shots of Vienna.
Selfies are by far the most dishonest kind of picture you can take. The common move is to raise your phone above your head so that your body frame looks smaller. However, when both hands are occupied, it's time to turn to plan B and Vienna's got that move down.

You can't deny that it's pretty impressive that Vienna knows how to maneuver her phone with her foot. That's a lot more fascinating than her selfie where she looks as though her pajamas are made of silk and her nighttime routine involves putting on a full face of makeup.
Going to the beach is all fun and games until you find yourself caught in a never-ending cycle of waves that make you think you're about to drown. Even if you're a model hoping to capture the perfect photoshoot, mother nature knows no mercy.

Vienna shows herself looking like a mermaid in the first image. She edited the brightness, her face, and her hips. However, going to the beach almost guarantees a messy hair day. So, the second image depicts the shot your most likely to get out of a beach day.
Taking a dip in the pool looks great on Instagram, the make-up, the hair, it all seems to stay perfectly kept, even though you allegedly just swam a few lengths. No one should look ready-to-go-out straight after a swim.

The reality is that getting out of the pool is anything but sexy, particularly if you're an awkward and shy individual. You'd probably barely climb out the pool, stumble around whilst your hair goes all over your face. Mascara everywhere.
We've all tried those shots aiming to look 'real' but sexy, in reality, you end up just looking rather strange and possibly on some sort of medication. The cute casual shot is all the rage these days, but few have mastered it properly.

So even though the aim is to look like an anime character, in reality you can end up looking like a cartoon character. Remember, Instagram is there for us to show ourselves off in the best light, but don't lose your identity in the process, it's kind of important.
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